What Is Body Dysmorphia and How Do You Know If You Have It?
body dysmorphia People suffering from body dysmorphia can become addicted to hallucinogens By ingesting psilocybin mushrooms or LSD, users can ease Body dysmorphic disorder , also known in some contexts as dysmorphophobia, is a mental disorder defined by an overwhelming preoccupation with a perceived
Body dysmorphic disorder , preoccupation with one or more perceived or imagined flaws in one's physical appearance, Body dysmorphia is a chronic mental illness in which individuals obsess over some perceived flaw in their appearance Learn more from McCallum Place
Many people are unhappy with some part of the way they look; however, if the amount of time and energy spent thinking about the body part interferes with Body dysmorphic disorder คือ ภาวะที่ผู ป วยมีความคิดหมกมุ นเกี่ยวกับรูปลักษณ ของ ร างกายบางส วนที่เขารับรู ไปเองว ามีข อบกพร อง น าเกลียด ทั้งที่จริงๆแล วก็ดูปกติหรือใกล